Monday, October 20, 2008

Apa Itu Lampe Berger......???

Lampe Berger adalah satu-satunya produk yang memiliki fungsi sebagai pengganti : ozoniser, tabung oksigen, penyegar ruangan, pembersih udara, alat pembunuh tungau dan bakteri, ioniser.

Lampe Berger memiliki efek penyembuhan bagi berbagai penyakit yang timbul karena kekurangan oksigen.

Lampe Berger yang memiliki fungsi-fungsi terapi oksigen, terapi anion, dan terapi aroma dengan sekaligus.

Bagaimana Cara Kerja Lampe Berger ?

1. Lampe Berger memiliki 2 (dua) hal utama yang telah dipatenkan, yaitu :

o Catalytic Burner, yaitu : batu kepala sumbu berpori yang terbuat dari bahan keramik dan platinum. Saat digunakan, suhunya akan mencapai 60 drjt Celcius dibagian tengah (yang berlubang), dan 300 – 500 drjt Celcius pada ring bagian luar. Pada suhu tersebut, ozoalcool tersebar/terdifusi tanpa adanya bau pembakaran. Dipatenkan pada tahun 1898.

o Formula/Oil/Cairan Ozoalcool, yaitu : yang terdiri dari 90% Isoprophyl Alcohol, 5-7% essensial oil dari tumbuhan, 3-5% air. Cairan ini dipatenkan pada tahun 1898.

2. Nyalakan catalytic burner selama 3 menit, lalu kibas hingga api padam.

3. Ketika api telah dipadamkan, maka dari dalam lampu/botol akan keluar 3 macam hal/zat penting, yaitu :

o Ozon (atom O1).

o Anion (ion negatif).

o Phytoncidere (zat imunitas yang dimiliki oleh tumbuhan).

4. Cara kerja atom O1 :

o Atom O1 yang dilepaskan oleh Lampe Berger, akan bergabung dengan O2 yang ada di udara menjadi : O1 + O2 = O3 atau biasa disebut Ozon.

o O3 yang telah terbentuk, akan bertemu dengan O3 lainnya yang juga telah terbentuk, akan menjadi : O3 + O3 = O2 + O2 + O2 atau 3O2.

o Satu buah atom O1 yang terdapat di O3, jika bertemu dengan bakteri akan meletupkan bakteri, dan membuat bakteri mati.

Berapa Harganya ??

  1. Lampu/Botol : miliki harga bervariasi, tergantung dari model yang akan kita pilih. Range harga antara USD100 - tak terhingga. Cek harga : DCHL Indonesia 021-5206570.
  2. Oil : Standard Oil USD 165 per-1 set (isi : 4btl @ 1ltr)
  3. Oil : Khusus USD172.7 per-1 set (isi : 4btl @ 1ltr)
Pertanyaan dan Pemesanan Produk :

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Produk Istimewa, Irit BBM plus

Teknologi lebih dari 30 tahun, digunakan pertama kali untuk NASA di USA.
Terbuat dari 100% organic ( kerak bumi ), tanpa pengawet dan kimiawi.
Terdaftar di EPA (Enviromental Protection Agency), Lembaga Lingkungan Hidup Dunia, yang menjamin bahwa produk ini 100% AMAN LINGKUNGAN, dan nyaris menghilangkan kadar racun dari asap buangan kendaraan.
Produk juga berfungsi untuk perawatan ruang bakar mesin.
Bekerja sebagai Catalyst di ruang bakar mesin, melapisi dinding ruang bakar, sehingga BBM terbakar cepat & sempurna,membuat mesin menjadi : Hemat hingga 30 %, responsive, temperature , umur oli & busi lebih panjang, menekan polusi hingga 80 %, ruang bakar mesin bersih dari deposit arang.
MPG CAPS bisa dipakai untuk semua jenis BBM, seperti : Premium, Pertamax, Solar, Biodiesel, Biofuel, Ethanol, Minyak Tanah.
Bisa digunakan untuk mesin yang ada piston, segala merek dan tahun berapapun sampai yang Euro 2 sekalipun.
Produk sudah dipakai di 225 negara, tidak ada klaim, sudah masuk Jepang, Eropa, Korea, Taiwan, Hongkong dll.
Tidak membatalkan Asuransi mesin tsb.
Perusahaan kami mengasuransikan sampai dengan U$ 2.000.000 (tergantung jenis mesin / kendaraan).
Pakar ruang bakar dunia sebagai consultant kami ; Jerry Lang.
Bisnis Network Marketing yang menghasilkan ribuan US$ per minggu.

Pemesanan Produk

Produk Tablet (MPG CAPS) seharga Rp. 250,000,- per blister
1 blister, isi 10 tabet (dapat digunakan sampai dengan 800 liter bensin)

Minimum order : 1 blister

Barang dapat dikirim ke rumah (wilayah Jabodetabek). Ongkir : Rp.10.000,-/kirim.

Pemesanan Barang hubungi :

Tampil cantik dengan Tabita Skincare

Tabita Skin Care merupakan produk kecantikan terbaru masa kini yang dapat membuat wajah Anda tampak berseri-seri.

Tabita Skin Care merupakan solusi Anda dalam mengatasi masalah :

1.Menghilangkan flek di wajah
2. Mengecilkan pori-pori
3. Meremajakan kulit
4. Memutihkan kulit
5. Mengencangkan kulit
6. Membuat kulit lebih bercahaya
7. Meratakan lubang bekas jerawat
8. Menghilangkan jerawat

Tabita Skin Care diracik dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan alami, seperti collagen, serbuk mutiara, Japanese tea, Japanese papaya, vitamin C, dan vitamin E. Tabita Skin Care ini tidak menggunakan bahan-bahan berbahaya, seperti MERCURY dan HIDROQUINON, yang dapat menyebabkan kanker kulit dan ketergantungan. Semua produk Tabita Skin Care sangat aman, halal, tanpa efek samping, dan cocok untuk semua jenis kulit (neutral).

Dengan menggunakan produk Tabita Skin Care ini, wajah Anda akan tampak lebih bersinar, putih, tidak berminyak, dan menjadi kencang, seperti kulit bayi.

Tabita Skin Care dijual dalam bentuk paket yang terdiri dari :
- 1 botol facial soap
- 1 botol smooth lotion
- 1 cup daily cream
- 1 cup nightly cream

Harga 1 paket : Rp. 700.000,- Minimum Order : 1 paket

Barang dapat dikirim ke rumah (wilayah Jabodetabek). Ongkos kirim : Rp.10.000/paket.

Untuk pemesanan dapat menghubungi:

Saturday, October 18, 2008


by Tia

When it comes down to big business versus small business, it is not so much the classic case of 'David vs. Goliath' where the underdog fells his opponent with one lucky shot from his sling. No, in the business world, big business and small business have more of a big brother, little brother relationship where the big brother sets the standard for all the smaller siblings to emulate and learn from. Small business owners take note. Here is a list of seven must have tools and services that will solidify your foothold in the industry.

1. ADP. With an automatic deposit payroll system in tact, you eliminate the expenditure and waste of paper resources as well as the delay in payment resultant of utilizing the snail mail parcel system. Instant gratis - a happy employee is a paid one.

2. VERTICAL RESPONSE. The time tested adage of 'supply and demand' is easier said than done. How will you know what your customer base wants or no longer wants? By sending out surveys and advertorials via email, you are able to collect information from your web site visitors, customers or prospects. This form of vertical response makes it possible to market intelligently and measure your results quickly.

3. SKYPE + SPEAKEASY. Voice over IP (internet protocol) is essentially the transmission of your voice through the internet rather than the customary phone line. Services like Skype and Speakeasy offer an exponentially cheaper means to keep your company connected, regardless of magnitude.

4. FRESHBOOKS. Tracking man hours and overall productivity as well as invoices has never been more efficient thanks to the SaaS (software as a service), Freshbooks. You no longer have to waste paid labor rummaging through file cabinets for a time sheet that dates back to Reaganomics. Searching through backlogs has been reduced to a quick query in a search engine - something any business will appreciate come tax season.

5. WORDPRESS. Blogging has quickly become a vital facet of online marketing. To keep your business name in the mix, you constantly have to keep pumping out material for the masses to consume. Aside from giving your blog an aesthetical facelift, blogging software generates a stronger web presence through tags and key phrases thereby eliminating the dependence on marketing managers and saving your company money in the long run.

6. FACEBOOK BUSINESS PAGE. With over a hundred million active users worldwide, Facebook is a melting pot of potential customers and even prospective investors. Because it is also a free service, not having a company presence on Facebook or any other social networking site would be downright ignorant. Social networking is free advertising, which further spreads brand awareness without any overhead.

7. CENTRAL DESKTOP. Collaboration software such as Central Desktop has taken task management to new heights while maintaining a simple yet comprehensive interface. Within minutes of acquiring and setting up your workspace, your small business will have the infrastructure necessary to get your team up and running at full stride.

With these tools in tow, your small business's productivity is magnified to its fullest extent. By maintaining a streamlined work force and operating under a simple yet systematic methodology, the odds of rising to the top amongst the bog of other lesser prepared companies is increased. Small businesses take note. That was just a list of seven must have tools and services for your small business.

About the Author

Author, Tia Jones, is a freelance writer who contributes articles on collaboration software and project management for Central Desktop. For more information on how businesses can use collaboration software to increase productivity and improve project management visit

Friday, October 17, 2008

How to Start an MLM Business

That Makes It

by Brian Garvin

Wow, thats about the biggest question out there isn't it. With a 3% success rate does it really surprise you that everyone is asking how to start an MLM? Most likely not, but hopefully this article will answer some of your questions.

Funny thing is these rules apply to any business, not just how to start an MLM one. Seriously, what is it that you want to get involved in? When you figure that out how to you find the best ways to grab peoples attention?

You go out and research it on the Internet. See what is working for other companies similar to yours. If you are sitting there going, "Well my business is unique there is no other." Thats great and everything, but your kind of missing the boat on how to start your MLM.

Have you dug extensively into your business so that you can get a look from the inside out? If you have you will be able to find areas where people will say, "Wow" if its presented to them in the right way. You have to find out if the companies marketing strategy is going to work for you. Doing this will only help you in learning how to start an MLM.

If you have a question about something do you call your sponsor? If you are going to learn how to start an MLM successfully it is a great idea to find someone in your field (especially your sponsor) that has been in long enough to tell you what works and what doesn't. Again it all may not work for you, but hey you are getting ideas and learning everything you can.

All important in making your MLM business successful. The most important factor is you. Many believe once they get a home based business its all peaches n' cream and thinking they already know how to start an MLM business.

Those are the ones that fail because they don't use all the resources to the best of their abilities. Here are 5 things to do to help you learn how to start an MLM company. They aren't the only things, but they are enough to point you in the right direction.

Number one is pick a company that suits you. Do the research on every single one you are interested in joining. From how long they've been in business to how their pay scale works. Both equally important especially in the MLM world today.

Second get a grip on what kind of budget you can work from when you end up joining an MLM. It will help you in a sense that you won't be all stressed out if its not going as planned early on. That alone will make everything a lot easier.

Third, Fourth, and Fifth pretty much are hand in hand. They all involve having the right mindset. Knowing it won't happen overnight. Knowing you have to work hard, sometimes harder than your 9-5. Then last but not least; knowing that no matter what negativity you have heard if you are willing to put forth the effort you too can be part of that 3% success rate.

About the Author

Learn more about Brian Garvin and Jeff West at Internet Marketing Review Kings and MLM Review Kings today. Use this article freely but please leave Resource Box intact.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Make Money Working From Home :

10 Ways to Make Money Working From Home!
By Kok Choon Kow

Many moms and young kids make money working from home, do you wonder where they get the money? How they manage to earn enough money not only to sustain their living, but totally changed the way they live - The Internet Lifestyle! Let me share with you their secrets...

Method #1 - Blogging

Anyone can do blog, but there are differences between profitable and not profitable blogging, you must learn the proper way to blog, know what to blog, how to blog and when to blog.

Method #2 - Affiliate With Article

Anyone can write an article should be able to write the article! The real value of article is not how good they write, but what do they write. You must know what niche is profitable before you can be leverage the power of article. Use article to get visitors to your website and sell the affiliate product is one of the most profitable businesses!

Method #3 - Receive Job

If you have special skill, such as accounting, programming or graphic design, you can easily bet for jobs at,, and

Method #4 - Take Survey

Many companies offer visitor to fill up the survey and get paid, they are collecting valuable marketing information and might eventually sell you something.

Method #5 - Surf The Websites

Mostly provided by web traffic company, you install a toolbar on your browser and get to pay every time you visit a website. Just don't expect to earn lots of money from surfing the web, this is the worst way ever to make money working from home.

Method #6 - Ebay

Ebay is not just an auction website, you can start your online store, selling physical goods with Ebay.

Method #7 - Stock Exchange or Forex Trading

You need money to trade Forex and Stock, the return can be very high, so is the risk!

Method #8 - MLM Program

You can join any Multi-level marketing program and help bringing in more members, I personally don't like any program with more than 2 levels, because I don't think is ethical!

Method #9 - Sell Information Product

You can create e-book, audio and video courses to sell information, this is proven to be the largest and the most profitable online market!

Method #10 - Sell Software Product

You can easily create any software product from hiring professionals at outsourcing website as mention before, and sell them hundreds or even thousand times! You only have to pay once and earn for the lifetime!

As a conclusion, I personally love blogging and affiliate marketing with the article, selling the information product and software are all my choice. If you want more than make money working from home, I would suggest you follow my choice to build a solid business... At the end of the day, still your passion and your own choice that make dreams come true!

Visit my blog to leave a comment, and you can find more information about building a solid business online: To Make Money Online -

Article Source:

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Baby Boomers - The future of the market

by : Daniel Kertcher

You have no doubt heard of the "Baby Boomers", those individuals born between 1943 and 1963.

Following World War II, Australia's population grew at record levels. Australia was not alone in this phenomenon. The United States, New Zealand and Canada all experienced Baby Booms at a similar time.

The Baby Boomers are an important phenomenon to understand. They have had dramatic effects on society and will substantially impact the way the stock market performs over the next 20 years. For this reason, it is important to understand some of the background on this interesting group of people.

As mentioned, the Baby Boom was experienced in various countries around the world. Part of the reason for the "Boom" was that these countries were immigrant receivers and immigrants tend to be in their 20's, the prime childbearing years.

At its peak in 1957, the US boom hit 3.7 children per family. Canada hit its peak in 1959 with Canadian women averaging 4 offspring each; that was over 479,000 new births that year alone! Australia's boom was not quite as big as the Canadian or US booms; however, we still have a disproportionate number of people who are today in their 40's and 50's. Following the Baby Boom, we had a Baby Bust. Far fewer children were born during the late sixties, leaving Australia with an asymmetrical population graph.

The Baby Bust group, born between 1964 and 1976 are a much smaller group than their predecessors and are commonly referred to as Generation X.

Baby Boomers are a very significant and important group. It is not that, individually, they are any different than any other group who preceded them; it's just that there are so many of them. Due to their large numbers, Baby Boomers have had a significant impact on our society, making substantial changes as they grew. They have changed the economy, driven housing and other markets and transformed social attitudes and lifestyles.

In Australia and North America today, the fastest growing industries, apart from technology, are financial management, leisure activities and health care. It is very easy to see why. Boomers have been working all their adult lives, usually for someone else. They have raised their children and are now focusing on their retirement. They have had a magnificent time. They have not endured wars, or a depression like their parents and grandparents. They have enjoyed fantastic luxuries such as cars, world holidays and computers. They have been at the forefront of the age of discovery.

Unfortunately, the majority have not prepared themselves financially for their retirements, believing instead that like their parents, they would enjoy a comfortable pension from their employers and/or government.

The stark realities are now coming to light. Everybody, especially the Boomers, must take responsibility for their financial futures. Our government will simply not be in a position to provide adequate pension incomes for a growing number of retirees. Today, for every person who is retired, there are four people working, providing income to the government. By 2025, there will be only 2 people working for every retiree. What's more, the Boomers, as they start to retire, will live longer than any group before them, well into their 70's and 80's on average. As a result, it is up to each of us as individuals to take responsibility of our own personal financial planning.

The Australian government has made substantial improvements and preparations for the growing populations. They have introduced a compulsory superannuation scheme that all employers and employees must participate in and which is gradually rising in required contributions, but it will be too little, too late. The key to investment growth is time, a luxury many Boomers no longer possess.

Consider this fact, that at a return of 8% per annum, net of tax, an investment of $30,000 would require over 15 years to triple in value, not even considering the effects of inflation. Most investment strategies commonly promoted to the public boast returns of 4% to 10% per annum. We often see managed funds, superannuation schemes, bank term deposits and property investments offering such results. Many people consider these returns appropriate and even good! Unfortunately, many members of the public require a much greater return on their investments to adequately improve their financial positions before they retire (if they can ever afford to!).

In future issues we will explore ways of generating high returns and how to self manage your own super, one of our upcoming seminars!

© Platinum Pursuits 2006. All rights reserved.

Platinum Pursuits Pty Ltd is an Authorised Representative (286343) of The International Securities and Derivatives Group Pty Ltd ABN 22 103 552 683, AFSL 227544.

For more information, visit Platinum Pursuits

About the Author

Passionate and energetic, Daniel Kertcher is an investment specialist with over 15 years experience in property, stocks, options trading, CFDs (contracts for difference), technical and fundamental analysis, futures and commodities trading.

Daniel is currently CEO of Platinum Pursuits. For more information, visit Daniel Kertcher

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Lose Weight Through Dancing
by: Ian Bennett

If you have ever wanted to learn how to dance and lose weight at the same time then this is for you. Dancing regularly is one of the best ways of keeping fit and healthy while having fun at the same time. Louis Van Amstel from the program "Dancing with the stars", teaches you how to do all your favoriate dance routines that you may have seen on the show.

Dancing is a great way to lose weight as it is one of the best cardio workouts with the least amount of effort. Most people don't consider dancing as a way of losing weight, they just do it for fun. What people do not realise is by dancing regularly they are toning and sculpting their bodies at the same time. Within a few weeks you will see inches coming off your waistline without you realising because you are enjoying yourself.

Louis Van Amstel is one of the worlds best dance teachers, he has been training people for years and has further enhanced his reputation by being on the dance TV program. Even he used to get stuck dancing when he first started, but once you learn some basic steps you are away. From his video lessons you will be able to learn some steps in as little as 20 minutes. In his video you will learn;

The Cha Cha- Its fun, works on your body well and is easy to learn.

FoxTrot - You can incorporate this into a lot of dances and is very romantic.

Jive- Fast paced and very exciting, great cardio workout.

Rhumba- Very sexy dance, great for losing weight from your weist and hips.

Salsa - Very creative and easy moves, seductive dance.

Samba - Another high energy routine, excellent on the eye and the body.

Tango - Easy to learn, another sexy, seductive and thrilling dance.

Waltz - This is a more structured and softer dance, fantastic for the hips and thighs.

Check it out at learn how to dance and lose weight at the same time.

About The Author

Ian Bennett operates, a blog about weight loss. He loves giving away stuff and right now when you sign up you will get a great Newsletter. and its all FREE!

Check it out at:

How To Use Aromatherapy Oils To Your Advantage?

by: Darren Brent

Aromatherapy oils are therapeutic essential oils derived from plants proven to bring holistic physical and mental health well-being. Essential oils have a different chemical composition from other herbal products, because of the distillation process. Essential oils are comprised in a richness of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, aromatic compounds, esters, organic sulfides non-terpene hydrocarbons, along with several other VOC substances. In herbal oils from plants, the distillation process will only bring lighter types of phytomolecules.

The (mostly westernized) term of aromatherapy is in reference of the many traditional ways in making use of essential oils. Essential oil use comes from the ancient times of over 6000 years ago, and proven to be utilized back in the cultures of the Greeks, Egyptians and Romans. There were known essential oil usages in massages, bathing in the essential oils were used for running off communicable illnesses too. In the days of Egyptian physicians like Imhotep and Hippocrates, the ways of aromatherapy were strongly believed in as a part of doctor's regime of healthy healing.

The basic modes of aroma-therapeutic applications are aerial diffusion, for environmental dispensing of desired fragrance or dispensing through the air for aerial disinfection. There is also direct inhalation for respiratory disinfection, decongestant, expectoration as neurological wellness effects. Aromatherapy oils have been used as topical applications for many centuries for general massage, baths compresses, and therapeutic skin care. The last set of aromatherapy oil usage is oral, rectal, and vaginal interfaces for infection, congestion, parasites, and of course, perfumes for our body along with fragrances for anointments.

Aromatherapy is known to ease several types of ailments. Many aches, pains and injury discomforts can be physically relieved throughout the body when using the right aroma-therapeutic essential oils in the correct manner. Aromatherapy has also been proven to act on the central nervous system in giving relief from depression and anxiety by reducing stress, contributing to a more relaxed mode, uplifting spirits through sedation or stimulation. Aromatherapy restores both physical and emotional well-being without the modern medical remedy side effects.

When wanting to use aromatherapy throughout your home, there are several ways to use. As an air freshener, there are the benefits of a better smelling home, but also the mental effectiveness physically depending on the therapeutic essential oils chosen. After choosing your oil or mixture of oils, add up to 10 drops of oil or mixture of oils to every two cups of boiling water. You can also go throughout your home putting a few drops in garbage cans, laundry wash, water drains, vacuum filter bags, and on tissue for setting in the drawers of your dressers.

About The Author

Darren Brent writes for the We provides information on all aspects of finding Aromatherapy Oils,The information provide by our SKIN CARE EXPERT!. You can find more details and tips aboutAromatherapy Oilsl in our education center.